metal conzert: Public Grave & Swarm Iniquity - LIVE

Public Grave was founded in 2008 in Fürstenfeldbruck (near Munich, Germany). From a circle of friends formed because of a shared favorite genre, Public Grave evolved into the only slam and groove death metal band in town. Public Grave is made up of four musicians, all of whom are involved in writing the songs. Korny plays the bloodthirsty bass, Chris the crushing riffs on his guitar. Beni drives the ramming rhythm for Hamby's demonic beast-like voice. Together they create a destructive wall of sound that no one can escape. Over the past ten years, the band has played with several underground metal bands and their growing network has led to gigs all over southern Germany.

Inspired by the bands Kataklysm and Six Feet Under, as well as a fascination with all things undead, blood and guts, Public Grave's music certainly fulfills the Death Metal Anxiome. Over the past three years, Public Grave have also sought to fill the gaps between death metal and slam, giving their new album Cadaverous Resurrection the edge it needs. Their neck-breaking groove is like a hammer smashing through a trillion bodies and their monstrous sound grunts with a shattering bass.

“Cadaverous Resurrection is a concept album about the current development of our society,” Korny testifies. “The social disease is driving us crazy and we want to get away from the prevailing reckless behavior.” The lyrics name the actions that some would want to do to the slimeballs and egotists. Maggot Infested Limb Removal and Cranium Crush Fest even show this rage in their titles. Through gross exaggeration, Public Grave have created an absurdly brutal album whose apocalyptic scenarios and zombies hold up a mirror to society.

The album was presented in October 2018 at Subkultur e.V. in the Alter Schlachthof in Fürstenfeldbruck, where it was received with enthusiasm by the regional metal scene. Fans exclaimed appreciatively that Public Grave had once again outdone themselves with destructive brutality.

Schlagartig gelang Public Grave daraufhin innerhalb weniger Wochen auch der internationale Durchbruch: Joe Mortimer, Veranstalter des UK Slam Fests, rezensiert das Album: „Habe das neue Public Grave Album angehört und es ist verdammt gut! Es hat Anklänge von Benighted und viele griffige Riffs, ein paar Slams und brutalen Gesang. Massive Produktion! Bezeichnet mich als beeindruckt!“
Den Ritterschlag erhielt Cadaverous Ressurection im Dezember 2018 als es zum Death Metal Album des Jahres von El Telegrafo in Ecuador gekürt wurde: „Um das beste Death Metal Album 2018 zu küren, war es wichtig die Qualität der Komposition, der Songtexte und der Gestaltung der Alben zu beurteilen. In dieser Kategorie war Public Graves Debütalbum ‚Cadaverous Resurretion‘ der Gewinner. Es ist eine eindrucksvolle Aufnahme voll von Gegrunze und technischer Qualität. Einfach verblüffend!“

Aufgrund des Erfolges hat das Landshuter Plattenlabel Rebirth the Metal Productions Public Grave unter Vertrag genommen und wird heute, 7. Januar 2019, das Debütalbum Cadaverous Resurrection im Label re-releasen.

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